The school has joined the Integrated Education Scheme since 2000/2001. In the 2024/2025 school year, there are about 41 students with special educational needs (SEN students), including those with physically disability, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, specific learning difficulties or mental health problems and those who are visually-impaired, hearing-impaired, speech and language impaired or autistic. These students are scattered over different form levels.
We adopt a Whole School Approach to implementing Integrated Education as we believe that such a policy is consistent with the school goal of “guiding students towards …… caring for young ones, willing to share with and serve others.”
We have observed that, through implementing a Whole School Approach to Integrated Education, both teachers (including non-teaching staff) and students would show a caring attitude towards the SEN students. The SEN students, like their counterparts in the school, can enjoy equal opportunities in every aspect of school life.