Principal's Sharing

Principal's Sharing

  • I am grateful and delighted to join the Ming Kei’s family as the principal of Ming Kei College. My ambition is to strive for my vision and mission in providing a holistic education to all families enrolled with the school.

    Ming Kei College was founded in 1967 and is renowned as an EMI co-education secondary school. Our dedicated, innovative and caring teachers enthusiastically engage with students inside and outside classrooms. A supportive, respectful and harmonious relationship between teachers and students has been part of our long tradition which students value most as they study in Ming Kei. To fully develop students’ potential, our school offers a wide range of subjects. All junior form students take Ceramics. Senior form students can take Visual Arts, Music and / or Physical Education as their elective subjects for the HKDSE. With all these activities, we encourage our students to broaden their horizons, care for each other, reach high, build confidence and stive for excellence.

    As inspired by our school motto, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive”, we nurture our students to serve others in different communities. Through various types of social services, our students learn to care for their family, serve others and contribute to the society. Throughout the years, our students have been to orphanages in Africa and villages in mainland China to serve the disadvantaged children there. For local services, they have taught the elderly in our community how to use electronic devices. They have also served as volunteers and distributed meals provided by Food Angel to the elderly and the families in need. Our Big Brother and Sister Mentorship Programme, not only aims to cultivate the caring culture and foster positive students’ relationships, but also develops their social intelligence, while helping S1 students adapt to the school life.

    As the saying goes: It takes 10 years to grow a tree but a hundred years to nurture people. May God continue to grant us faith, hope, love and wisdom as we move onward to our 60th and 70th anniversary.

    Dr. Cheung Pui Shan